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  l 液压倾斜升降平台,辅助轻便灵活的活动支腿,方便任何事故车上下。平台起落过程中不与地面接触,减少设备在起落中对地面的损坏。

  l 整体台面经大型数控火焰切割一次成型,均匀光滑,平面度高、强度大、固定无盲区、拉伸更快捷方便。

  l Φ140mm牵引拉塔可沿工作台轨道360度旋转,独特的滚轮转动机机构设计,从而使拉塔的移动更平稳、灵活。独特的拉塔固定方式,方便可靠、无盲区。

  l 只有两个螺丝固定的顶针式钳口设计。保证了各种车型的快速夹紧,提供了工作效率以及使用寿命。

  l 随机配置的各种夹具,辅具可满足任何变形的校正、修理。

  l 液压系统性能可靠,使用寿命长、动力强劲。维修保养方便快捷。

  l 全球同步的车体数据库资料,保证提供最新最快的车体数据。


  Hydraulic tilt lifting platform.assist the flexible leg makes the accident car loading and unloading easily. Platform of ups and downs doesn’t contact with the ground, reduce the damage of ground in the process of ups and downs.

 whole table by the large-scale numerical control flame cutting a molding, uniform smooth, high degree of flatness, strength, fixed no blind area, stretching more convenient.

 140mmpulling towers can be rotated 360 degree along the platform which is operated more convenient.Unique wheel rotation design,so that the pulling towers move more stable,flexible.

only two screws fixed thimble type jaw design to ensureEnsure the fast clamping vehicles firmly and quickly with efficiency 。

Configuration of a variety of tools to meet any deformation correction and repair.

 The hydraulic system is reliable,long life,powerful.The maintenance is quick and easy.

 Global synchronization of the body database information,ensures to provide the latest and fastest body data

主要技术参数  SPECIFICATION             W-1
工作台长度 Platform length 5200mm
工作台宽度 Platform width 2000mm
工作台高度 Platform height 520mm
拉塔最大推力 Post Max.tension 95KN
动力气源压力 Pneumatic pressure range 0.8Mpa
塔柱工作范围 Post working range 360°
最大承载 Max.lifting weight 3500Kg