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  v 欧款框架工作平台,平台采用冷拔高合金矩管焊拼,平面度高,强度大。

  v 垂直升降平台,降到最低点只有120mm,任何事故车上下车十分方便,无需地藏,最大举升高度1700mm,为广大用户提供了一机多用的平台。

  v 高自由度的拉塔,移动方便灵活,固定牢固方便,工作范围广,无盲区,强度高。经久耐用。

  v 通用主夹钳独特的虎式钳口设计。力学流线设计的钳口,经过渗碳、热处理工艺,保证了各种车型的快速夹紧,提高了工作效率以及使用寿命。

  v 随机配置的各种夹具,辅具可满足任何变形的校正、修理。

  v 液压系统性能可靠,使用寿命长、动力强劲。维修保养方便快捷。

  v 全球同步的车体数据库资料,保证提供最新最快的车体数据。

  Ø Frame-style bench with European technology adopts cold-drawing high alloy rectangular tube, making it with high flatness and strong strength.

  Ø The working height of scissor lifting bench can be adjusted between 120mm and 1700mm as needed. Bench can be down to 120mm from the floor, which makes car can be driven on it directly without ramps.

  Ø The hydraulic pulling tower can move 360 degrees around the bench rail, making work on all sides of the vehicle fast and efficient.Heavy-duty pulling tower with high strength are always ready multi direction straightening for demanding structures.

  Ø The universal clamps are suitable for the positioning and clamping of various imported and domestic cars.

  Ø Equipped with electrical pump for bench up/down,the lifting cylinders are operated electrically by hand-held remote control,which speeds up

  Ø The imported hydraulic system has reliable performance and long use-life. patent general Lord clamp jaw tiger unique design. Mechanics streamline design of the jaw, through osmosis, heat treatment process, to ensure the fast clamping of various models, improve the working efficiency and service life.

  Ø The global synchronous car-body database, ensures to provide the latest and fastest car-body data.

主要技术参数         SPECIFICATION    K9
工作台长度 Platform length 3400mm
工作台宽度 Platform width 890mm
工作台高度 Platform height 120-1700mm
拉塔最大推力 Post Max.tension 95KN
动力气源压力 Pneumatic pressure range 0.8Mpa
塔柱工作范围 Post working range 360°
最大承载 Max.lifting weight 3500Kg
设备总重 Gross weight 1000Kg